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In “Understudy,” the players perform a scene from a serious play that doesn’t actually exist, and then replay it with different “understudies” taking over the same roles.

Watch as “Seamstress in Sandals: Ducks and Dogs” unfolds at The Bird Comedy Theater! In this absurd play, a seamstress fights for the right to become a seam-master, but by the third go-around, the whole thing hilariously unravels.


  1. Amanda Matteuci – @tucci_tube
  2. Ryan Hruza – @hruzard
  3. Gabriela Sá Teles – @gabrielasateles
  4. Adam Hoelscher – @adamvsatom

Hosted by Brandon Durkes – @DrBrandonDurkes

Check out this unpredictable improv game, and subscribe for more comedy straight from Kansas City’s The Bird Comedy Theater!

#ImprovGames #Understudy #SeamstressInSandals #LiveImprov #BirdComedyTheater #KansasCityComedy #FunnyScenes #StupidLaugh

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